Multi Search Widget

by Drew Software



Multi Search is light and fast. You will be able to search the web and get the result of several sites in one place.Dont be restricted to just one search engine, expand your alternatives, discover search engines you dont know yet.Explore the content available on the web, browse the sites, and see texts, photos, sounds, animations, etc.Youll be able to search images, search videos, search music and anything else you want. So you can find video clips, presentations, news, articles or any other type of content.Type what you are looking for or use voice search.Switch between different search engine results easily.The app also has a widget for you to use on your home screen. Install multiple widgets and set the default option type for each one.Easy to use and efficient widget!Use it for your studies, work, ask questions, pass the time or any other need you have!Observation:- This app and widget are not associated with any brand. The websites, names and logos displayed on these belong to their respective companies.